Moringa Oleifera trees for sale

 2,99 9,99

Buy Moringa Oleifera tree (horseradish tree) in different sizes.

Available from May to October

SKU: MO1590 Category:
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The Moringa tree (Moringa Oleifera) or horseradish tree originates from India, but nowadays it is cultivated in many tropical countries due to its medicinal value. The tree grows very quickly and can reach a height of up to 3 meters already in the first year under optimal conditions. After only 2 years it reaches a total height of up to 10 meters.

Moringa is considered to be extremely undemanding and enormously tolerant of heat, but it is a tropical plant and therefore sensitive to cold and moisture.
Almost all parts of the tree can be consumed and have been considered a miracle weapon against various diseases in India for centuries. Due to its useful medicinal properties, the plant is often referred to as the “miracle tree” as well.

Offered here are Moringa Oleifera young plants in various sizes and stages of development.
The plants are grown by ourselves in southern Spain and raised without any pesticides. This guarantees that all products of the plant like our Moringa leaves and Moringa seeds are absolutely free of harmful substances and chemical fertilizers and can be consumed without hesitation.


The Moringa plant does not tolerate the deprivation of light that occurs during transport particularly well. It is possible that the leaves may turn yellow and fall off after receipt. However, this is not a cause for concern as the plant will develop new leaves and shed the old leaves after about 14 days.

Scientific name: Moringa Oleifera
Common name: Ben oil tree, Benzolive tree, Drumstick tree, Horseradish tree, Wonder tree
Origin: India
Height of growth: Up to 10 meters
Sensitive to cold: Yes
Sensitive to heat: No
Sensitive to wind: No
Suitable as bonsai: Yes

Additional information

Weight 0,3 kg

100 Seeds, 20-30cm, 30-60cm, 60-90cm